What is Internet Internet (Inteconnected-Network) is a set of network computer that connects a variety of sites. Internet providing access to telecommunication services and resources information for millions of users spread across Indonesia and even worldwide. The tissues that make the internet work based on a set of standard protocol used to connect networks computer and watched the traffic in the network. This protocol set the allowable data format, error handling (errorhandling) message traffic, and other communications standards. Protocol standard on the Internet known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). This protocol has the ability to works on all types of computers, without prejudice to the differences in hardware and operating system used. Internet Service showed rapid growth, because it offers some charm or excellence compared to other media. The advantages are, among others: 1. Communication cheap 2. Sources of information 3. New challenges to try 4. Disclosure of "no censorship" 5. Range infinite Internet Functionality Many uses that benefit obtained from the Internet in all fields (business, academic, government, organizations etc.), among others: Internet as Media Communications Some of the phenomena and the advantages the Internet as a medium information and communication compared to other media, The information is obtained more easily, quickly and cheaply with global reach. This is supported by the fact that to reach users of 60 million people: • It took 30 years for radio • It took 15 years for television • It took 3 years for the web with the application: o Email o WWW o Newsgroups o FTP Gopher o And others Emerging online media sites (based on print media and who do not), thereby reducing paper costs and expenses distribution, for example: o Newspapers entered the Internet (Kompas Cyber Media) o Seconds o Satunet o CNN o Magazines, brochures, etc. Internet as a media campaign, including: o Image Company o Introduction, and ordering products o Registration of clients o The delivery schedule etc. Internet as an Interactive Communication o Email o Customer Support by WWW o Video Conferencing o Internet Relay Chat o Internet Phone Internet as a tool of Research and Development Internet as a data exchange Internet History Before the Internet existed, the ARPAnet (U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) or the Department of Defense in 1969 create a network of computers that are spread to avoid occurrence of centralized information, which in the event of war can easily destroyed. So if one part of a network connection interrupted from enemy attack, the path through the connection automatically transferred to other connections. After that the Internet is used by academia (UCLA) for the purposes of research and technology development. And only after that the American Government States gave permission to the commercial in early 1990. Internet Growth Internet has a very good growth and very rapid time this. From the statistical data obtained, are as follows: • 3 million hosts are connected at the end of 1994 • Population 30 million users (1995) • Growth of 10% per month • 100 million users in 1998, predicted in 2010 all people will be connected to the Internet • Email dominate 75% of business relationships. Internet Connection To be able to connect to the internet, the general steps that need to be prepared are: • Prepare a set of PC • Modem (Modulator Demodulator) • Connection to the internet via internet access service provider or ISP (Internet Service Provider). Understanding Modem Before the installation of the modem should we need to know first what called a modem. Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator which is used to convert digital data into data analogue of a user's computer to a computer server via telephone lines, and vice versa. Dial Up Modem Type can be divided by 2, namely: • External Modem Usually equipped with a panel or LED or LCD displays info about what is being done by the modem Where you are useful to help us problems occur. Not using a slot inside your computer. Can be switched or on-off separately from the computer. Easier moved to place (for example, you can use a modem same external to your laptop or desktop computer.) In areas prone to lightning problem is more secure when use an external modem. Figure 2. External Modem τ Internal Modem Easier to install (or a dream of the worst), usually cheaper because they do not have a case and power supply separately, to prevent others to act idly against the modem because it is located inside the computer, not using a cable semerawut, save space, and also reduce costs for buy a serial cable. Modem Installation The next step is the installation of modem. Before you using a modem to a computer modem installation required. Read Modem installation guide included in every purchase.
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