Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Profile

name              : Vira Raudha Maulani
gender            : female
born               : Padang,12 December 1997
sibblings         : 3 of 5 sibblings
adress            : Jl.Banyumas no.11 Jakarta Pusat
hobby             :  Basketball,swimming,singing
school             : SMP Perguruan Cikini
motto              : NEVER SAY NEVER
favorite food   : Sushi,steak,french fries
favorite drinks : Milk shake,sprite,juice
favorite singer : Justin bieber,avery,cody simpson
about me        : I'm just a little girl that try to live on her dream.I'm not affraid to be my self.
                        There's gonna a time that people tell you that you cant live your dream.
                        This is what i tell them :"NEVER SAY NEVER".
                        Dont ever let yourself down is most i do.I'm not searching for popularity
                        in any sides. I AM ME,THEY ARE THEY.
                        So many in this thing we call love.I love God,family,friends,shawty.
                        Thats all about me.i hope you guys know enough about me,lol. BYE <3


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